What I Learned in 2017


Happy belated New Year! It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve been busy but I should’ve made time for this. I love writing and feel refreshed finally after feeling pretty crappy these last couple of months. A lots changed since I last typed these keys for a blog post. I won’t bore you with the dramatics but let’s just say I’m glad 2017 is over haha. I wanted my first post of 2018 to be a reflective one. A one of what I learned in the year that wasn’t my most favorite of years. The year where great things happened and the year terrible things happened.

With each year we can only hope it’s better than the last. 2018 started out rocky already but I can tell this year is going to be a year of change, growth, and stepping out of my comfort zone. Stepping out of my comfort zone is my New Years resolution actually. I want to do things that scare me and things I would never do because we only live once (YOLO). I’ve learned in 2017 that life is so short and we HAVE to live it to the fullest before we go. So, with that being said, here’s what I learned in 2017.

  1. Value yourself first and foremost – you will never find true happiness with a partner if you don’t love yourself first.
  2. Eat better! – I’m the worlds worst with eating fast food when I’m in a hurry. Wake up earlier and make yourself a healthy breakfast. You are what you eat after all and I would much rather be an egg than a egg McMuffin. 😉
  3. Losing someone you have admired and loved since you can remember is the hardest thing to ever have to go through. Get out of bed, take care of yourself, the person you lost wouldn’t want you to be stuck in that pain.
  4. Life goes on after a tragedy. The world never stops turning even when you wish it would slow down. Chin up buttercup.
  5. Look at the stars, breathe in the fresh summer air, go for a walk. Let Mother Nature do her thing and make you feel like you can do anything you put your mind to.
  6. Write! Paint! Make music! Do something artistic that will release your anxiety and tensions.
  7. Last but not least, don’t let life make you bitter. It’s easy to be pissed off when something happens that you have no control over, don’t. Death happens, people fall out of love, friendships fade. Sometimes, we can’t control those things but one thing we can control is our peace of mind.

I hope this helps you find clarity like it brought me writing it. Prosper, love, laugh, cry, play, do all the things you need to do to make you a better person. I can’t wait to show you what I have in store for 2018!

“If not us, who? If not now, when?” -John F. Kennedy

❤ Brooke Paige

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Hi I just came across your blog and I love it! So unique! Definitely giving you a follow. I had an active blog 2 years ago and I have just posted my first post in 2 years after some difficult experiences. But I am back up and running and would love for you to take a look at my blog. I will be renaming and rebranding in the next few weeks!

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    1. Hey there! I will definitely check it out!! ❤️

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